Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Let's Put the Who in sWHOp!!

So hello there, my name is Samantha and I have been a dedicated Whovian for about 32 years now....

::listens and hears crickets chirping::

Ah ha... " But, Samantha, what is a Whovian", you ask?

A Whovian is a fan of the British science-fiction series known as Doctor Who, and as this blog is solely going to revolve around that series I suppose I ought to give any "newbs" out there a bit of a lead in.

Doctor Who is the longest running series in human existence. It has survived archive fires and temporary cancellations. It has hopped from format to format, able to be seen heard or read on TV, cinema screen, audio, book, and comic form.

The premise of the story, brought to us by Sydney Newman and Verity Lambert, is of an alien being exiled from his home planet with some singularly amazing physical abilities.....and.....one....phenomenal blue box.

It is a story that incorporate any genre of fiction you like, and many different factual and historical figures and events.  Yes, my friends, this story has time travel!

The Doctor, as this alien is called, is a Time Lord and he travels through space and time doing what all good heroes do.....righting wrongs, ending oppression and savoring exotic teas.  Well, ok perhaps not all heroes knock back a whole lot of tea. But, that's one of the many  points of uniqueness this story scores.

Doctor Who is a decidedly British venture, and yet, it encompasses all manner of ideas from religion to relationships, ancient history to future survival, philosophy to genetics, and space travel to matter transmission. One never knows where the next trip will take him.

This blog is going to be treated, in a sense, like learning your ABC's. Except, as we delve through the 26 letters of the alphabet, instead of learning about apples, balloons and cats, we will be learning about Alzarians, Bow Ships and Catavelauni.  Each post will introduce us to another aspect of the series that has been my love for almost my entire life and in my opinion....the greatest story ever told.



  1. Doctor Who is definitely not the longest running show in existence... It's like NBC news or something. Doctor Who is the longest running sci fi show in existence.

  2. its fictional series, you nut.
